When I photograph something, it’s not about following a strict technique or creating a perfect image. For me, it’s about connection—finding something in a subject that stirs something inside me. It could be a sense of wonder, admiration for beauty, curiosity, or even the urge to uncover a deeper story.
During a recent trip to Lanzarote, I came across the skeletal remains of a massive building in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps it was meant to be another resort, but it was left unfinished, abandoned to time and nature. Writers had left their marks on the concrete walls, turning decay into art. One piece stood out to me, and I found myself wondering: how would the artist want their work to be seen? After spending a few minutes reflecting on the angles, the light, and the mood, I took the shot. I like to think I captured it in the way the artist might have intended.
That’s how I approach photography—guided entirely by instinct. I observe everything around me, letting the details and the atmosphere reveal themselves. I adjust my aperture to decide how much depth of field or detail I want, set the exposure, and then capture the moment. It’s nothing complicated, but for me, it’s everything.
Every photo is unique because it marks the moment I truly see and feel a place when I am definitely part of it. It’s when I’ve observed, taken in the surroundings, and found the one thing that grabs me. Sometimes, nothing grabs me. I’ve walked away from subjects others would call extraordinary or iconic simply because they didn’t spark that connection for me.
What I hope to share through my photos is the beauty I see, the sensation of being present in that place, of being a part of it. I want viewers to notice the details, the forms, the colors—perhaps even to think what I thought or felt when I pressed the shutter.
Photography, for me, isn’t about impressing others or chasing what’s trendy. It’s about being present, seeing deeply, and inviting others into that same experience. Maybe it’s a bit unconventional, but it’s honest.
Based in Basel, Switzerland